Guidelines as school re-opens after spring break
Dear Parents,
Many school districts are closed, including Gilbert. After much thought we have decided to open school tomorrow, Monday, 16 March, 2020. In order to stay open here are some guidelines we would like you to follow.
DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: No siblings should enter the school during drop-off and pick-up time. Especially since other schools are closed, since some siblings may be at home, we want to minimize the risk of carriers.
SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT: For parents, minimize time spent at school during sign-in and sign-out. Keep it as brief as possible. Social distancing is recommended.
SICKNESS: If anyone in the household is sick, and this includes extended family members and anyone visiting n a regular basis, please do not send your child to school.
These steps that we all take in an abundance of caution, would be in keeping with guidelines from public health officials we are closely following. I know many of you visit or live close to a child's grandparents, and all of them are at most risk. We as a community could ensure these practices keep everyone safe if our school is to remain open.
So please, reassess each morning if it is safe for your child to be here, for your family and everyone's families. This is based on the honor system, and I am confident we could all follow these steps and work together to be safe and healthy. That way Li'l Sprouts can remain open until Summer.
Thank you again.
Li'l Sprouts Montessori School